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1 Samuel 27


1 Samuel 27 depicts a period of change and adaptation for David, as he seeks refuge from Saul’s pursuit by aligning himself with the Philistines. This chapter highlights David’s pragmatism and his ability to navigate complex political landscapes. Key aspects include:
David’s Decision to Flee to Philistine Territory: David, losing faith in his safety in Israel due to Saul’s relentless pursuit, decides to seek refuge among the Philistines. He believes that Saul will stop searching for him if he is in Philistine land.
David and His Men in Gath: David, along with his six hundred men and their families, goes to Achish, king of Gath. Remembering David’s previous feigned madness, Achish is initially skeptical but allows David and his followers to stay, believing that David has become a traitor to his own people.
David Given Ziklag: Achish gives David the town of Ziklag, which becomes David’s base for about a year and four months. From Ziklag, David conducts raids against various groups but deceives Achish about his activities.
David’s Raids and Deception: David attacks the Geshurites, the Girzites, and the Amalekites, leaving no survivors to report back to Gath. He tells Achish that he has been raiding the southern areas of Judah, thereby gaining Achish’s trust.
Achish’s Belief in David’s Loyalty: Achish believes David’s deceptions and thinks David has made himself a stench to his own people, Israel. He trusts David, stating that David will be his servant forever.
1 Samuel 27 illustrates David’s strategic thinking and survival skills. By aligning with the Philistines, David not only escapes Saul’s pursuit but also gains a degree of autonomy to operate and strengthen his position. His actions in Ziklag, while morally complex, demonstrate his commitment to his own people and his long-term goal of leadership. The chapter sets the stage for David’s continued rise in power and influence, showcasing his ability to thrive even in adverse circumstances.

1 Samuel 27

1  And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: there is nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand.
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2  And David arose, and he passed over with the six hundred men that were with him unto Achish, the son of Maoch, king of Gath.

3  And David dwelt with Achish at Gath, he and his men, every man with his household, even David with his two wives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the Carmelitess, Nabal's wife.

4  And it was told Saul that David was fled to Gath: and he sought no more again for him.

5  And David said unto Achish, If I have now found grace in thine eyes, let them give me a place in some town in the country, that I may dwell there: for why should thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee?

6  Then Achish gave him Ziklag that day: wherefore Ziklag pertaineth unto the kings of Judah unto this day.

7  And the time that David dwelt in the country of the Philistines was a full year and four months.

8  And David and his men went up, and invaded the Geshurites, and the Gezrites, and the Amalekites: for those nations were of old the inhabitants of the land, as thou goest to Shur, even unto the land of Egypt.

9  And David smote the land, and left neither man nor woman alive, and took away the sheep, and the oxen, and the asses, and the camels, and the apparel, and returned, and came to Achish.

10  And Achish said, Whither have ye made a road to day? And David said, Against the south of Judah, and against the south of the Jerahmeelites, and against the south of the Kenites.

11  And David saved neither man nor woman alive, to bring tidings to Gath, saying, Lest they should tell on us, saying, So did David, and so will be his manner all the while he dwelleth in the country of the Philistines.

12  And Achish believed David, saying, He hath made his people Israel utterly to abhor him; therefore he shall be my servant for ever.

End of 1 Samuel 27

1 Year Plan:  May 4 - 1 Sa 27, 1 Sa 28,  John 20

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