2 Samuel 9 is a chapter that exemplifies King David's character through his display of kindness and loyalty. It focuses on his treatment of Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son, as a fulfillment of his promise to Jonathan. Key aspects include:
David’s Inquiry About Saul’s Family: David remembers his covenant with Jonathan and inquires if there is anyone left from the house of Saul to whom he can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake.
Mephibosheth Introduced: Ziba, a servant of Saul’s household, informs David about Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son, who is living in Lo-debar and is disabled in both feet.
David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth: David sends for Mephibosheth and restores to him all the land that belonged to Saul, his grandfather. He assures Mephibosheth that he will always eat at David’s table, essentially treating him as one of his own sons.
Mephibosheth’s Gratitude: Mephibosheth expresses his gratitude to David, considering himself unworthy of such kindness. He humbly accepts David’s generosity.
Provision for Mephibosheth: Ziba and his family are appointed to work the land and provide for Mephibosheth, who will live in Jerusalem and dine regularly at the king’s table.
David’s Fulfillment of His Promise: David’s actions towards Mephibosheth fulfill the promise he made to Jonathan to show kindness to his family. This gesture highlights David’s integrity and his commitment to honoring his word.
2 Samuel 9 is a moving account that showcases David’s compassion and faithfulness. By extending kindness to Mephibosheth, David not only honors his bond with Jonathan but also demonstrates a departure from the common practice of eliminating potential rivals from the former king’s family. This chapter provides a profound example of the power of loyalty and kindness, further establishing David as a ruler who values mercy and upholds his commitments.