John 20 unveils the thrilling events surrounding Jesus' resurrection:
The Empty Tomb (verses 1-10): Early on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene finds Jesus' tomb empty and reports it to Peter and John. They rush to the tomb and discover the burial cloths but no body. The disciples leave, but Mary remains, weeping.
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (verses 11-18): While crying, Mary looks into the tomb and sees two angels. She turns and sees Jesus but does not recognize Him until He calls her by name. Jesus instructs her to tell the disciples that He is ascending to the Father, and she obeys.
Jesus Appears to the Disciples (verses 19-23): Jesus appears to the disciples, who are behind locked doors for fear of the Jews. He shows them His hands and side, and they rejoice. Jesus breathes on them and gives them the Holy Spirit, granting them the authority to forgive sins.
Doubting Thomas (verses 24-29): Thomas, who was not present during Jesus' appearance, doubts the disciples' words. Eight days later, Jesus appears again and invites Thomas to touch His wounds. Thomas believes and confesses Jesus as his Lord and God. Jesus commends those who believe without seeing.
The Purpose of John’s Gospel (verses 30-31): The author concludes the chapter by explaining that many other signs were performed by Jesus, but these have been recorded so that readers may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and have life in His name.
John 20 is a chapter of revelation, recognition, and faith. The resurrection of Jesus is a turning point, not only in the Gospel but in human history. It's the cornerstone of Christian faith, and the experiences of Mary Magdalene, the disciples, and Thomas are a microcosm of the journey from doubt to belief. The chapter affirms the physical reality of the resurrection and its spiritual significance as the source of eternal life.