Joshua 3 details the remarkable event of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River under Joshua's leadership. This chapter is a testament to divine guidance and power, and it marks a significant moment in the Israelites’ journey into the Promised Land. Key aspects include:
Preparation for the Crossing: Joshua tells the people to consecrate themselves, for the next day the LORD will perform wonders among them. He instructs the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant to lead the way.
Joshua’s Message from God: God tells Joshua that this day He will begin to exalt him in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that He will be with Joshua as He was with Moses.
The Miracle at the Jordan: As the priests carrying the Ark reach the Jordan and their feet touch the water's edge, the water from upstream stops flowing, piling up in a heap a great distance away, allowing the people to cross on dry ground.
The Role of the Ark of the Covenant: The Ark, symbolizing God's presence, stands in the middle of the Jordan until the entire nation finishes crossing on dry ground.
Twelve Stones as a Memorial: Joshua sets up twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan at the spot where the priests stood. These stones are to serve as a sign and a call to remember the miracle God performed.
The Nation Crosses Over: About 40,000 armed men cross over before the LORD to the plains of Jericho for battle. The priests carrying the Ark continue to stand in the riverbed until everything is completed as the LORD commanded Joshua.
Joshua 3 is a pivotal chapter in the narrative of the Israelites' entry into the Promised Land. The crossing of the Jordan River mirrors the earlier crossing of the Red Sea, reaffirming God's power and His continued support for His people. This event not only strengthens the faith of the Israelites but also elevates Joshua’s leadership in their eyes, establishing him as a worthy successor to Moses.