Embracing Flexibility in Ministry: Following Paul’s Example

1 Corinthians 9:22b
…I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

Is it just me, or is this verse still being overlooked by the religious elite of our day? Seriously, some today would write it to say, “I am made one thing to one camp, that I might by one method save some.” One of the most powerful truths I have ever learned was from a man named Scott Boatner. Here is what he said, “Are you growing in grace, or are you just adapting to your environment?” What a revelation! Just to realize that your environment is not the only environment there is can begin the process of setting you free.

You see, Paul the Apostle walked with the kind of wisdom that knew how to preach a consistent message in an ever-changing world. He could not go worship with the Jews, coming to them from the perspective of a Gentile. Neither could he minister to the Gentiles, coming from the angle of a Jew. Furthermore, he did not come to the pagan worshippers with the assumption that they attended Sunday School all their lives. He knew how to approach each and every nationality, people group, and religion, meeting them where they were at, and then taking them straight to Calvary.

Today, what we have been taught is how it works only in our own camps. We have in general not been given so much as a little liberty to even expand our ministry outreaches to others outside of our own camps. We therefore have no real concept of what Paul was truly saying when he said that he became all things to all men that he might by all means save some.

Unfortunately, most of us are more concerned with “sticking with our own kind” than we are reaching out with the heart of a true biblical missionary who’ll preach the same Grace of God anywhere to anybody, should God open the door. It is a shame that souls will never hear the Gospel because of fear-based ministries who are afraid to “lose their support” if they dare walk through an open door of ministry that brings them beyond the boundaries that their brethren have set for them.

Men and brethren, are we not called to preach the Gospel to every creature? Can we not exercise the same liberties Paul did? Paul’s message never changed, and his character never changed, but his methods of approach did. May God give us the wisdom we need to reach EVERYONE!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill