Arise and Shine: Responding to the Macedonian Call

Acts 16:9
And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.

There’s not a better time to get a vision from God with a plan of action than at night when it is dark in the world. Notice with me that the timing of this vision was no coincidence. Rather, it was providential in nature. Oh, and how my heart hurts to wonder how many of God’s people are groping in the dark without a vision! Dear child of God, AWAKE, AWAKE, PUT ON THY STRENGTH! I know it is dark, but now’s not the time to hide with the fearful, but to arise and shine for Jesus! Never forget that no matter how dark it gets, those of us who know Christ as Savior have the light! We were prepared for these days of darkness. We were MEANT to exist in a dark world with the Light of the world shining forth from our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. But, I ask, where are God’s torches in this midnight hour?

Without a vision, churches are perishing by the thousands. Get your VISION back! You can SEE in the dark because you have the Light of God’s Word if you will pick it back up and dust it off and read it! Don’t re-write it; re-READ it! Then consume it! If you will consume The Word of God, then the Light of God’s Word will consume you, causing you to become that torch for God that you were meant to be. And yet, many “Christians” sit in the dark without any vision or direction, living in fear instead of light! Oh, that God would revive His people again, that we might rise back up an exceeding great and mighty army of Light in this present darkness in which we live. Let your light SO shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven!

Furthermore, because Paul had a vision in the night, he also had a direction to go in. Can you also hear the Macedonian call in your life today? Can you hear those cries in the darkness, calling out for help from those with the light? May their cries for help cause us to lose all sleep until at least we rise to the occasion and bring the light of the glorious Gospel to the darkest corners of the Earth! Until the whole world hears, may we shout Christ’s Gospel from the rooftops unashamedly, unapologetically, and relentlessly for the Glory of God!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill