Discovering Our Greatest Gift: God as Our Inheritance

Psalm 16:5 The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.

Would you rather have the gift, or the giver? If we were talking about mere men, it could be argued, depending upon the circumstances, that in some cases one might prefer a gift over its giver. However, we’re not just talking about mere men in our text. The psalmist is saying that The LORD is his inheritance! He did not say that The Lord gave him nice things. He did not say that he had a mansion just over the hilltop! No, but he said THE LORD is his portion!! Now, just in case you didn’t know, The Lord is the greatest giver of them all! When God gives, He holds nothing back.

Not convinced? Then what about John 3:16? For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son!! There’s nothing greater to give than His son for us. But then, let me remind you of Romans 8:32, which also says, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” Do you see that? He is teaching us that, again, when God gives, He holds NOTHING back! And the best thing? IT’S ALL FREE to us. It came at great expense to HIM, but WE are the beneficiaries of His grace at no charge to us. Now, THAT’S a portion worth noting! You didn’t know you were so rich in Christ, did you?!?

AND, it gets better. NOT ONLY is God and everything that comes with Him freely given to us through faith in Christ His son, BUT what HE gives us is also “low maintenance” on our end! Think about this for a second. Have you ever received a gift that, in and of itself was great, but the maintenance for its upkeep was still out of your financial reach? If not, I’m sure you’ve heard of others who have experienced this kind of “gift”. But before you receive a gift from another man, you better make sure that the maintenance is within your means, or the “gift” becomes a “taker”!

BUT, God is SO thorough, that He gives us Himself, the giver, AND the maintenance man! Do you see it? “Thou maintainest my lot.” God will give you more than YOU can handle, but that’s only because He intends on handling it as well! OH GLORY! Listen dear reader, The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. This means that whatever He gives you, He holds in place for you to keep! SHOUT!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill