Reviving Streams of Restoration

Psalm 126:4 Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south.

This passage is believed by many scholars to have been inspired during the time of Israel’s return from 70 years of Babylonian exile, while in eager hunger, thirst, and anticipation for a returning to a former glory and prosperity long lost by God’s chosen people.

The passage even starts out in verse one saying, “When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.”  Can you imagine?  After 70 years of exile, returning to your homeland with another chance at freedom, revival, and renewal?  It was literally a dream come true!

Now with that in mind, verse four mentions “streams in the south” which is a reference to The Negev/Negeb desert region in Israel’s southern territory covering about 13,000 square miles.  The area is known for its dry, parched climate with rock formations and a unique ecosystem adapted to desert conditions.

Furthermore, it is both a rare and precious thing to find streams in this region for obvious reasons.  As such, the psalmist is praying that, just as the sudden appearance of streams in a parched desert would provide life-giving water in a barren land, so God would bring a transformation equally remarkable to the nation of Israel.

What about us?  Are we the church age not also in a dry and barren land where no water is spiritually speaking?  Have we not been exiled into a spiritual Babylon of sorts with spiritual apathy and idolatry across this land?

Then let us pray for an end to the exile and a return of restoration as the streams in the south!  Let us seek God for revival that will change our families, our churches, our culture, and our country!  When we get hungry enough for God to move, then move God will!

~ Pastor Gary Caudill