Acts 3 reveals a transformative event and a stirring sermon:
Healing of the Lame Beggar (verses 1-10): Peter and John encounter a man lame from birth at the temple gate called Beautiful. He expects alms but receives something far greater. In the name of Jesus Christ, Peter heals him, and he begins to walk, leap, and praise God. The witnesses are filled with wonder and amazement.
Peter's Sermon in Solomon's Portico (verses 11-26): People gather, astonished by the healing, and Peter uses this opportunity to preach. He attributes the miracle to the power of Jesus, whom they had delivered up and denied. Peter calls for repentance and conversion, affirming that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of Moses and the prophets. He proclaims Christ's future return and offers hope and restoration to those who believe.
Acts 3 paints a vivid picture of the early apostles' faith and boldness, powered by the Holy Spirit. Their obedience to Christ results in an extraordinary healing, which opens doors for gospel proclamation. The chapter reflects the apostles' ability to seize opportunities to preach repentance and faith in Jesus, who is both the promised Messiah and the ultimate Healer. It stands as a remarkable testament to the transformative power of the name of Jesus and the importance of preaching the Word with conviction and clarity.