Week 1, Day 3: The Person of the Holy Spirit

A Prayer Guide for Our 21-Day Fast

As we continue our journey together, let’s remember the importance of knowing the Holy Spirit personally—His character, role, and work. Seeking His person, presence, and power is essential to strengthening our individual walk with God and transforming our church’s worship and service.

Each day, this guide is here to direct our prayers toward a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit. Today, we reflect on the Spirit’s patience and mercy as He strives with humanity, calling us to repentance and redemption. Let us open our hearts to His call and embrace the grace He offers to restore us fully to God.

The Spirit and Redemption

  • Genesis 6:3  And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
  • Insight: The Spirit patiently strives with humanity, calling us to repentance and salvation. God’s mercy, through His Spirit, allows each of us time to turn to Him before judgment.
  • Reminder:  The Spirit’s role in redemption reminds us of His patient and merciful character, central to knowing Him personally.
  • Prayer:  Today, thank God for His patience and mercy. Ask the Spirit to draw you closer to Him and to help you live in alignment with His will, both as an individual and as part of His church.